
Well, Hello There
So it seems I've caught your attention...
Some words which have been used to describe me include chill, intelligent, empathetic, silly, slightly dorky, and intuitive
A handful have also said sexy
Lover of nature, tattoo enthusiast, adventure seeker, and sensual romantic, I'm grateful to be walking the path I'm on and can't wait to explore it more with you

Sneak Peak
I began this work when I was completing university, a way of helping to pay the bills while focusing on my studies; I had thought it would end when I graduated
While working a job which my degrees had prepared me for, I continued my time as a companion on the side
As I worked in the field I thought was going to be my long-term career, I became deeply unsatisfied... During my 9-5 work week, I looked forward to the weekend when I could spend intimate time with my regulars as well as feel the excitement of building new connections
In January 2022, I made the decision to exclusively pursue the work which I more genuinely enjoy
I had not imagined this would be my path, but we are always evolving, as do our plans
With my sapiosexual drive for intimacy and my desire for connection, I am so grateful to be where I am
Life update fall 2024:
I'm back to school!
Yep, at age 30 I'm a student once again
My schedule is slightly more limited,
but I still love what I do, so I'm doing it;
priority is given to longer bookings,
it's definitely advised to book in advance

Quick Stats
Age: 30
Background: Canadian
Height: 5'6"
Eyes: blue
Hair: black
Physique: toned
Piercings: nose X3, brow, nips, belly
Tattoos: definitely
Body modifications: none
Education: BA, MA
Languages: English (teach me Spanish!)
Dietary: no seafood
Sexual orientation: queer (I like all!)
Religious orientation: spiritual
A Few Faves
​"When you look into her eyes... you know something special is going to happen"